And now a reference letter from the legendary, acclaimed advertising luminary, social commentary fake-but-real-artist, Hall of Famer, The-Michael-Jordan-Mars-Blackmon-Bugs-Bunny-Bo-Knows writer guy, Pirates fan, and old person, Jim Riswold.

Jim Riswold holding said reference letter captive.

To Whom It May Concern and Whom It May Not Concern (But Should),

Let’s talk Peter Yue.

Peter Yue has a funny name.

But there’s more to Peter Yue than a funny name, a whole giant warehouse more.

Peter Yue is talented.

Peter Yue is diligent.

Peter Yue can design the pants off a statue and design circles around more than a few other fancypants designers not named Peter Yue.

Peter Yue is good with concepts and coming up with them. You can’t just be anybody to do that.

Peter Yue stays up all hours of all nights to do all of the above.


Peter Yue has spent a considerable amount of his time making me look good. If you know me, you know full well the difficulty of that task I trust Peter Yue with my art featuring the likes of Lenin, Stalin, and Mao, et al.  

Ergo, yes, Peter Yue can make those commie scallywags Lenin, Stalin, Mao, et al, look good.

Again, no small feat, that.

Peter Yue can make you too look good even if you’re that no good Marxist Enver Hoxha from Albania.*

Hire that Yue!

I recommend him with every aching bone in my old body.

You can’t do better than Yue.

Yue can also eat a good-sized donut in one bite.  Ta Da!

How’s them apples?


Jim Riswold

*Full name Enver Halil Hoxha.  Born 16, 1908 in Gjirokaster, Albania.  Died April 11, 1985, Tirana, Albania.†  Longest lasting Communist dictator in Europe. Dressed well, confusing poorly dressed Communists.  His voice had a small part in the 2006 Spike Lee Joint Inside Man, nine years after his death.  Some trick, that. Not necessarily know as a nice guy. 

†Bunny Aheame, big time British hockey promoter, also died that day. Bunny was 84.